"Ash Studios V: Some Shades of Black" spotlights the work of Ash Studios alongside six black Dallas based artists, Jeremy Biggers, Diamond Gray, Dom G Jones, Jess Lee, Morgana Wilborn , and Chesley Williams curated by Darryl Ratcliff.
The exhibit will features two large scale collaborative paintings between Ash Studios and the young women of Girls, Inc in South Dallas. Biggers, Gray, Jones, Lee, Wilborn and Williams will exhibit works in a variety of forms including painting, photography, sculpture, textile art, and text based and conceptual art.
There will be a talk during the opening on what it means to be a black artist or make black art in the context of Dallas, TX.
The exhibition will be on view during normal library hours February 6th - 24th.
Ash Studios is a social practice project co-founded by Darryl Ratcliff and Fred Villanueva in 2012. Ash Studios has impacted over twenty thousand citizens and creatives in Dallas through events, think tanks, classes, exhibitions, activist campaigns, and site-specific work. Ash Studios is 20,000 sqft space owned by creatives of color, serves as a bastion against gentrification in the South Dallas area, values and models racial equity and accessibility, and believes that art is a public good.
Photo Noire will be presenting the new series "Fine Lines". The pieces are a commentary on women of color and distinction and how they view themselves in their present truth.